Péter Kavasánszki

I started playing regular sports in high school, when I started playing American football with the Miskolc Steelers team. I immediately liked the organization and preparation that characterized this overseas sport, and as a result, I started strength training to improve my physical performance.
At university, I studied Physical Education and Biology, where I had the opportunity to learn several basic sports, including swimming, athletics, gymnastics and gymnastics. Later, I successfully used what I learned there in domestic street workout competitions.
In 2015, I started working as a trainer at the Underground Functional Training Center in Nyíregyháza, of which I was appointed the professional manager after 4 years. In addition, I was also a pillar member of the fitness coaching staff of the city’s basketball and American football teams.
In the same year, I took part in my first domestic amateur CrossFit competition at Crossmajális in Székesfehérvár, which determined my dedication to the sport. I started hardstyle kettlebell training because of CrossFit, and later also Olympic weightlifting at the Nyíregyházi Vasutas Sport Club, in which I competed successfully for several years.
In September 2020, I joined the professional staff of CrossFit B’Bros, which I am still very proud of and strive to be as useful a member of the team as possible. I try to lead my workouts with the greatest possible precision, I place a lot of emphasis on proper movement preparation, mobility development, and the most detailed teaching of different movement patterns. I also try to create a friendly atmosphere with all my trainees so that I can pass on the experience that this sport and community means to me.

My coaching qualifications:
male professional sports coach (OKJ)
TRX trainer
CrossFit Level 1

My competition results:
Hungarian University and College National Championship (weightlifting) – 2nd place /81kg (2019/2018)